February 14-16, 2023
Delta Grand Okanagan Hotel, Kelowna, BC
Registration is limited to CAOs, appointed Deputy CAOs and Executive Director CEOs of Affiliate Members. CAO Forum sessions can be used towards Continuous Professional Learning credits.
The CAO Forum is an annual offering for local government chief administrative officers (CAOs) to meet with their colleagues and discuss issues of mutual concern in a congenial atmosphere. The Forum will feature interactive, two-way discussions with speakers on subjects of interest to local governments and provide an excellent opportunity for frank and open dialogue.
Program details have not been finalized and registration is not yet open.
- Tuesday, February 14: Welcome Reception 6:30 p.m.
- Wednesday, February 15: 7:45 a.m. – 9 p.m.
- Thursday, February 16: 7:30 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Hotel Accommodations
$169 + taxes for Standard Guest Rooms. Please book your accommodations before February 8, 2023.
Call 1.800.268.1133 and quote ‘LGMA CAO Forum’.
Book your group rate for Local Government Managers Association LGMA CAO Forum