The BC Comprehensive Community Planning (CCP) Community of Practice is a free monthly drop-in session for CCP coordinators, community-based CCP committee members, and CCP mentors to gather, skill-build, celebrate successes, and problem-solve challenges about their CCP planning processes together through Nation-to-Nation relationships.
The BC CCP Community of Practice is a great way to get to know other CCP practitioners and hear stories of how different First Nations are approaching their CCP work. Each CCP Community of Practice session has a theme and includes time for a check-in, a short training session related to the monthly theme, and time for small group conversations in breakout rooms.
Registration is required to attend. Registration is open until the CCP Community of Practice session begins.
Please note that the CCP Community of Practice is not open to consultants, unless they have been requested by a community to attend on their behalf.
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.