Why does FNPSS exist?
FNPSS was established by BC First Nation Leadership to support capacity building for all BC First Nation administrations and organizations.
Why the First Nations Public Service Secretariat? Why not just the First Nations Public Service?
The First Nations Public Service is the group of individuals that support First Nations Governments in non-elected roles. The First Nations Public Service Secretariat supports those individual to excel in their roles, hence we describe ourselves as providing a secretariat function to that very important group of public servants.
What is a MTA? How is an MTA different from FNPSS Annual Conferences?
Our Management Training Academies (MTAs) aim to help participants return to their organizations with capacity enhancing strategies by providing tools and training specifically tailored to BC First Nations needs from experts in the core competencies: Records and Information Management, Policy Development, Human Resource Management, and Financial Management. The MTAs differ from our Conferences because they provide intensive full-day workshops on one of the core public service competencies.
How are your services different from other First Nation Organizations that also offer capacity building training?
While FNPSS does offer direct training, our primary role is to support BC First Nations to find the best training for their capacity building needs. Our aim is to enhance coordination between our partner organizations so that together we are offering the best training for communities.
How do I sign up for training?
Registration information for our Management Training Academies and other training is available on our website under Events.
What can I do as a volunteer?
FNPSS relies on the generous contributions of our volunteers to ensure the success of our events and initiatives. Our volunteers contribute in numerous ways including: note taking, registration support, photography, sharing expertise, and other roles. Please contact us if you are interested in getting involved.
Is the FNPSS membership based with fees?
No, currently FNPSS does not operate as a membership-organization, nor do we charge membership fees.
Does the FNPSS offer travel reimbursements or other funding to support training?
At this time, we are unable to offer travel reimbursements or funding to support attendance at all of our training. When we have secured funding for First Nations to attend specific training or activities, this information is included in the event registration information. If you are unable to participate due to funding constraints, funding may be available through other sources (e.g. Indigenous Services Canada, New Relationship Trust, etc.).
Who funds FNPSS?
FNPSS operates with the support of the BC First Nations Leadership Council, but as an initiative within the First Nations Summit Society (FNS), and all funding for FNPSS flows through FNS. FNPSS has received funding from various sources, including the Government of Canada and the BC Ministry of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation (MIRR), as well as other sources for specific projects.
Does FNPSS provide consultant services to communities?
FNPSS does not provide consultant services to First Nations communities, however we have a wide network of experts and depending on your needs, we may be able to help connect you with someone that meets them. We do not recommend or ‘vouch’ for any given consultant or individual. We can also offer our Management Training Academies (MTAs) or other tailored training in communities. Please contact us for more information.
Can the FNPSS come to my community to deliver training?
Yes, if you are interested in hosting FNPSS in your community, please contact us.
Why hasn’t FNPSS offered any Financial Management Training Academies (MTAs) recently?
As part of our commitment to ensuring we do not duplicate efforts of our partner organizations, rather than develop and offer unique financial management training, we recommend BC First Nations access the training available from the Aboriginal Financial Officers Association of BC (AFOABC) and First Nations Financial Management Board (FNFMB).
What happened to FNPSS between 2012 and 2017?
After making significant progress and establishing partnerships with other well-established and recognized organizations through formal Memorandums of Understanding (MOU), the FNPSS abruptly lost its funding and was forced to stop operations in 2012. In November 2017, funding for FNPSS was re-established within the First Nations Summit Society (FNS).
Where do i find ...
FPNSS supports various organizations by providing virtual meeting support. When resources are posted after the meeting, FNPSS locates them on the Resources page.
FNPSS posted comprehensive resources to support First Nation communities, administrators, businesses and individuals confront and managed the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. These are now archived and located on the Resources page.