Pursuing Excellence in Governance and Administration
FNPSS provides training and other opportunities that support capacity building in BC First Nation communities and organizations as they pursue excellence in their own governments and administrations.
Be sure to visit our Events Calendar regularly, subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Linkedin) to stay informed about upcoming training opportunities.
Core Administration Skills
Management Training Academies
Our Management Training Academies (MTAs) aim to help participants return to their organizations with capacity enhancing strategies they can implement immediately. MTAs provide tools and training specifically tailored to BC First Nations needs from experts in the core competencies: Records and Information Management (RIM), Policy Development, Human Resource Management (HR), and Financial Management.

RIM Management Training Academy (MTA)
What is your biggest takeaway or lesson learned from this session/training series?
- I liked learning how important is it to keep a flow of communication as to where everything is going for files and who has access to the files.
- As this is my first time learning about RIM I found everything valuable in moving forward with this.
Policy Development Management Training Academy (MTA)
What is your biggest takeaway or lesson learned from this session/training series?
- Peer-peer information & tool sharing
- The step-by-step guidelines on how to make a policy.
- Ideas to gather information to develop policy frameworks.
- Feedback from an experienced policy analyst validate the concerns and shed light on real issues and challenges is extremely helpful.
Human Resources Management Training Academy (MTA)
What is your biggest takeaway or lesson learned from this session/training series?
- Very insightful session, strategic planning and succession planning both has its importance and made me reflect on things to do for my organization.
- Everything, I think every bit of knowledge from different topics and different areas of employment is always helpful.
- For me the recruitment and selection process stood out the most. I like how the process is laid out from Identifying a need right to onboarding for success
- Open discussion with other professionals and sharing of experiences, tools, and successes and challenges
- A wealth of information was provided which addresses a huge challenge for us - recruitment and retention.
Foundations of First Nations administration
Foundations of First Nation Administration (FFNA) is an introductory course covering a variety of key topics essential to First Nations governance and public administration. Subjects will include Communications, Community Engagement, Records & Information Management, Wellness, Human Resources, Language Revitalization, Economic Development, Finance Fundamentals and more!

Intensive RIM Assessment Workshop
The Intensive RIM Assessment Workshop is designed to help First Nations to determine the strengths and weaknesses of their own records and information management program. The Workshop is delivered to smaller cohorts over a one-to-two-month period and includes attending intensive workshops, conducting interviews within your own organization, and analyzing results with the support of expert RIM coaches.
If your Nation is interested in participating in a RIM Assessment workshop, please reach out to our team directly
Communications & Engagement Capacity Building
Foundations for professional Communications
Many First Nations in BC are working to develop and expand their communication’s function as an essential part of Nation building and to further their Nation’s political, operational, and social objectives. Foundations for Professional Communications (FAPC), an offering from the First Nations Public Service Secretariat (FNPSS) and Nicola Valley Institute of Technology (NVIT), is designed to introduce adults working for First Nation communities and Indigenous organizations to a wide array of fundamental communications skills, including communications research, planning and evaluation, internal communications, branding, media relations, and community engagement – all from an Indigenous perspective.
The third session of the course will be held from January - March 2025. Registration is open!
The 2024 Outcomes Report showcases how the course is making a difference. Bringing together 17 participants from across British Columbia, the course was a resounding success—participants earned a combined total of 45 university credits. FNPSS is committed to continually adapting and improving the FAPC based on real-world feedback. The 2024 offering was redesigned using insights from participants and instructors, ensuring it continues to meet the evolving needs of First Nations communicators.
Key updates included a guided week-long intensive on communication plan development, expanded training on internal communications and social media over two weeks, and a refined focus on online identity and practical tools of the trade. The branding module was streamlined to one week, emergency communications were prioritized earlier in the course, and community engagement was consolidated into a focused survey session, with additional resources provided for participants.
Zoom Training
FNPSS is pleased to offer virtual meeting training for First Nations to move towards facilitating their own virtual meetings. Zoom is the most widely used video conferencing tool around the world and FNPSS is committed to sharing all the essentials needed to enable First Nations to feel confident in hosting a successful event.
Leadership and Governance Skills
Leadership Training Series
'The 3-part Leadership Training series was developed by FNPSS in partnership with Naut’sa mawt Tribal Council and Carden Consulting for leaders in all roles, including senior administrators, elected and aspiring leaders, and those wishing to strengthen their skills to effect positive change in their communities for the benefit of current and future generations.
The Leadership Training series is made up of three parts – Leading Self, Leading Others, and Leading Nation Rebuilding. Sessions recordings and materials from all three parts are available online for interested learners. Please email mentorship@fnps.ca for further information.
Part 1: ‘Leading Self and Systems Thinking’: Exploring Leading Self, Team Development, Conflict Management, Systems Thinking, Organizational Development, Strategic Thinking
Part 2: ‘Leading Others’: Personal Learning, Community Engagement, Financial Management, Project Management, Organizational Development, Governance
Part 3: 'Leading Nation Rebuilding': Nation Rebuilding, Decision Making, Responsibilities & Jurisdiction, Development Corporations, Indigenous Institutions, Indigenous Rights
Pre- and Post-Election Training
The Pre and Post Election Training series is tailored specifically for BC First Nations. This comprehensive training program is designed for those running for elected leadership positions, recently elected leaders, as well as administrators and senior managers involved in their Nation's governmental operations during election periods. Our training aims to equip participants with essential knowledge and skills to navigate the complexities of elections and governance effectively.
This training series addresses the unique challenges faced leading up to, during and after the election cycle, focusing on roles and responsibilities, leadership development, and governance. By participating in this training, individuals will gain a deeper understanding of the electoral process, enhance their leadership abilities, and be better prepared to tackle the main challenges that arise during elections.
The Pre and Post Election Training series offers three unique, tailored workshops:
- Pre-Election Training for Administrators
- Pre-Election Training for Leaders
- Post-Election Training for Leaders
The Pre and Post Election Training series by FNPSS is a vital resource for BC First Nations, providing the necessary tools and knowledge to navigate the electoral process and enhance governance. By participating in this training, leaders and administrators will be better equipped to serve their communities effectively and uphold the principles of good governance.
Pre-Election for Administrators:
What is your biggest takeaway or lesson learned from this training series?
- I really appreciate the conversations and experience from seasoned staff and other Nations' initiatives, and their conversations on resolutions
- Being prepared months ahead as best as possible and getting feedback from others. Working on the council binders with CAO and Deputy CAO's
- Thank you, it's great to hear from others, there is always something to learn.
- Thank you for offering this workshop! Made me feel more comfortable in my role for my nation!
Pre-Election for Leaders
What is your biggest takeaway or lesson learned from this session/training series?
- The importance of governance when newly elected. The workshop gave me a better understanding on what leadership roles and responsibilities. The knowledge about what good governance is and ensure I fully understand policy and procedures. I got so much out of the workshop and what my fiduciary duties are to my membership and the best interest of my nation.
- When asked who I looked up to as a leader figure. It had me thinking of all who showed examples of leadership in my life and helped me understand my role as a leader figure.
- Most important to any workshop is qualified hosts/Speakers that keep all attendees connected, involved, feel comfortable to share. this session got it all perfect.
- How the information provided not only would be useful to those running for council but to all band members as electors and as people
- Transparency to your community and good governance policies
- "If serving is beneath me, leadership is beyond me" really resonated
Post-Election for Leaders
What is your biggest takeaway or lesson learned from this session/training series?
- Attending this workshop, and having hosts guide us through planning, policies, and procedures etc. is making things clearer, compared to just reading. This process is invaluable.
- I really enjoyed the session, being able to speak about anything and not worry about being judged
- I think the personal stories and examples really bring to light how you can apply the learning
- I recommend this workshop to all people. Opens up and offers well gathered information on what is ahead as an elected official.

Customized Training
Upon request, FNPSS can deliver – and tailor – any of its developed training for one or a group of communities. These are offered on a cost-recovery basis.
Training with Federal Government Public Servants
Reverse Town Halls
The federal government regularly hosts ‘Town halls’, where government public servants share new program and funding information with First Nations. A ‘Reverse Town Hall’ flips the event around, where First Nations share invaluable insights, perspectives and stories with government public servants. The series of Reverse Town Halls are jointly produced by the BC Federal Council Secretariat and the FNPSS under the MOU Strengthening Public Service Institutions Initiative.
Collaborative Learning Day
The first Collaborative Learning Day for both federal and First Nations’ public servants was held on June 29 and 30, 2021. Modelled on the successful HR Learning Day in 2018, federal and First Nations specialists hosted discussions and shared tips, tools and resources on several relevant and important topics for a successful and strong public service. The Collaborative Learning Day was jointly organized by the BC Federal Council Secretariat and FNPSS under the MOU Strengthening Public Service Institutions Initiative.

Canada School of Public Service Library
The Canada School of Public Service offers federal public servants courses on a variety of topics ranging from leadership and risk management to HR and communications. Many of these resources are online, interactive and self-paced, allowing for learning when it is most convenient. For access and to participate in a small study, please contact the BC Federal Council for more information.