Mentorship Network for Comprehensive Community Planners
Comprehensive community planning (CCP) is a form of holistic, community-driven planning that covers all aspects of community and lays out a vision and goals for the long term. This inclusive, long-term planning process involves research and analysis, as well as meaningful community engagement.
FNPSS recognizes the importance of supporting those working as CCP coordinators in their communities by providing learning, training and networking opportunities, as well as one-on-one mentorship support and regular opportunities to connect as a group.
You can learn more about CCP Mentorship at
The Comprehensive Community Planning (CCP) Community of Practice is a free monthly drop-in session for CCP coordinators, community-based CCP committee members, and CCP mentors to gather, skill-build, celebrate successes, and problem-solve challenges about their CCP planning processes together through Nation-to-Nation relationships.
The BC CCP Community of Practice is a great way to get to know other CCP practitioners and hear stories of how different First Nations are approaching their CCP work. Each CCP Community of Practice session has a theme and includes time for a check-in, a short training session related to the monthly theme, and time for small group conversations in breakout rooms.
Visit the Events Calendar to find out when the next BC CCP Community of Practice is scheduled.
If you are interested in becoming a CCP mentor or mentee or have questions about the Mentorship Network, please contact