Apart from crown and private utilities, Indigenous communities and enterprises are the largest single owner of clean energy assets. It would be fair to describe Indigenous people as the country’s strongest clean energy community, and Indigenous Clean Energy (ICE) as Canada’s National Partnership Hub advancing First Nation, Métis, and Inuit clean energy projects. When thinking about economic development, we may also think about clean energy and the opportunities that are presented with these projects.
The Indigenous Clean Energy (ICE) Social Enterprise is a pan-Canadian not-for-profit platform which advances Indigenous inclusion in Canada’s energy futures economy through Indigenous leadership, and broad-based collaboration with energy companies, utilities, governments, development firms, cleantech innovators, academic sector, and capital markets. Join us to hear about what we can do for you to advance a clean energy future led by Indigenous communities and hear about some of the success stories from our 20/20 Catalysts from BC.
Terri Lynn Morrison
Aubrey-Anne Laliberte-Pewapisconias
(780) 990-0303