You and your team are invited to the very first Labour Program Virtual Open House for NAOSH (North American Occupational Safety and Health) week. Please join us on May 4 and 5, 2021 to meet the Health and Safety Officers, engage in information sessions, participate in Q&A, and obtain resources. Each day will start with presentations on the new Harassment and Violence Regulations and the impact of COVID-19 on the Hazard Prevention Program. The afternoon will consist of rotating discussions on a number of topics including:
- Introduction to Administrative Monetary Penalties (AMPs)
- Updates to fall protection and Part 12,
- Refusal To Work/ICRP,
- Incident investigation & reporting,
- Updates to First Nations jurisdiction,
- Role of ESDC and achieving compliance (AVCs/Directions)
- And much more
The free event will be held virtually with both days starting at 9am and will include introductions to the NWPR team in BC and Alberta. The morning presentations will be the same on the 4th and 5th so attendees would only need to attend one day. The breakout sessions in the afternoon will cover a variety of topics and will be different on both days. Each room will have at least two Officers to facilitate the discussions and answer your questions. Attendees will have the ability to choose which topics they wish to join with enough sessions for everyone to attend all topics if desired.
If you and/or any of your colleagues or safety committee members would like to attend please let us know by completing the attached document with the people you would like to attend and send it back to or