We are pleased to announce the Activities Report on the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the First Nations Summit (FNS), First Nations Public Service Secretariat (FNPSS), Association of Records Managers & Administrators (ARMA) Canada, ARMA Vancouver Chapter and ARMA Vancouver Island Chapter, from April 2020-June 2021 is available on our website.
Together, FNPSS, ARMA experts and the Information Governance Advisory Committee (IGAC) have worked together to develop and deliver RIM-focused training, tools and resources for First Nation participants from across BC.
What is IGAC?
IGAC was formed under the MoU to provide advisory expertise, and develop and implement work plans for mentorship, training and capacity building opportunities in records management and information governance. This committee is comprised of volunteers dedicated to supporting the MoU and building records and information management capacity in BC First Nations.
If you are interested or want to learn more about the MoU or IGAC, please contact the IGAC Chair, Jennifer Jansen, jjansen@tsawwassenfirstnation.com or FNPSS, info@fnps.ca.