FNPSS would like to share a compilation of personal stories describing the hurt Indigenous individuals have felt in experiencing racism in their lives, and their reflections on the experience. By Being Born was initiated and curated by the Pacific Aboriginal Network (PAN). PAN is a network representing Indigenous federal public servants in the Pacific Region, although the project extended beyond the federal public service, as members shared the call for stories with their families, friends and communities.
FNPSS applauds PAN for creating a space for these stories to be shared. We have a long way to go before we achieve true reconciliation, but only through honesty and sharing stories like these, can all Canadians contribute to eliminating racism and discrimination in our society.
As the PAN does, FNPSS raises our hands to those that courageously shared their personal experiences to help to educate others.
Click on the image below to download the full PDF document or view it here.
Pacific Aboriginal Network (PAN):
“Many Indigenous people are being inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement to speak out and share their experiences with racism to help talk about our hurt and let it go, but also to show our non-Indigenous friends, allies, and acquaintances what racism looks like through our eyes. These stories are told anonymously to show that racist experiences have and can happen to any of us, simply because we were born Indigenous.
This project would not be possible without those who shared their stories of oppression, discrimination, and racism. To everyone who shared, we hold our hands up to you and thank you.”