Take a look at what we heard from BC First Nations on current priorities for building administrative and governance capacity and feedback on FNPSS’ approach. The “What We Heard Report” summarizes engagement meetings FNPSS held with BC First Nations, and also outlines identified key areas of challenge and opportunity in the First Nation Public Service. The goals of the engagement sessions were to gather input and guidance on the work of FNPSS and reconfirm its priorities, to determine to what extent FNPSS is meeting the needs of First Nations, and to hear about future directions for governance and administration capacity building support.
The FNPSS engagement was completed through an arm’s length approach to allow for honest and open feedback from First Nations across BC. The First Nations Summit, Union of BC Indian Chiefs, and BC Assembly of First Nations recently endorsed the “What We Heard Report” through resolution and directed FNPSS to undertake further engagement with BC First Nations to develop a renewed, comprehensive, and coordinated strategy for the development of First Nations administrative capacity in BC that responds to its findings.
Read the What We Heard Report – and watch for more information on work on the capacity development strategy coming soon!